Analyzing Data Is Crucial For Lead Generation

Marketing without data is like driving with your eyes closed.

You could call EVERSEEE a data catching machine. We have developed a lead generation system that begins with data collection from multiple tools and software programs that strategically tracks the journey of social posts lead outs into our different segmented ending points for nurturing

More Than Just Post Reach

We combine Facebooks data with our analytics programs to insure accuracy in reports across platforms using developer tools

Compare reports from click links to our reports from landing page visits data

EVERSEEE is more than growing your presence on social media, it is about conversion

Take Action

When the lead reaches the ‘ready for action’ que in our nurturing journey they are directed to the real estate broker

Click To Request Our Services and Price Information

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Disclaimer* This Website Uses photos from “Affiliated businesses are not held liable for any legal obligations with EVERSEEE* This site is tracking data and using analytic tools pertaining to your traffic on this site, which is kept private. Please check our Privacy Policy for any and all information on how your data and personal information are being used.  

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2024**  EVERSEEE  

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