As Real Estate Brokers you understand how important marketing is to your brand, hince magazine ad space, mailers, and gifts with your brand name on them. You also know that 10% of your income SHOULD be going to marketing and advertising each month.
Lets Breakdown That Cost
Sales Per Year = 1M x .10 = 100k/year, 8k/month on marketing
Sales Per Year = 500k x .10 = 50k/year, 4k/month on marketing
Sales Per Year = 250k x .10 = 25k/year, 2k/month on marketing
Go To My YouTube Channel EVERSEEE Just Click PLAY on The Video!
Must I say more…. YouTube is a HUGE MISS for 99% of Real Estate Brokers. Why? It takes too much time to create, edit and post.
If you do not have a YouTube channel EVERSEEE creates and manages one for you. >>> visit for more details.
Facebook Meta & YouTube are a dynamic duo.
Among these platforms, Facebook reigns supreme, boasting 2.9 billion monthly active users worldwide. With Facebook commanding 53% of all social media site visits in the United States and users spending an average of 145 minutes daily on social media platforms globally, the platform's influence remains unrivaled. Leveraging Facebook's extensive reach and engagement potential is essential for realtors looking to network, brand, and establish their presence in the competitive real estate market.
With an estimated 4.9 billion global social media users in 2023 and a projected increase to approximately 5.85 billion by 2027, the importance of a multi-platform approach to social media marketing cannot be overstated. The average user now spans their digital footprint across six to seven platforms every month. EVERSEEE runs THREE of them for you. Learn more by visiting
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